Thursday, May 23, 2013


My heart feels grateful to you,

You allowed me to be born.
You supported me when I was delicate.
You protected me when I was ignorant.
You punished me when I made mistakes.
You praised me when I made you proud

My heart feels grateful to you,
You did the best, you could do.

There was a time,
When I knew, I couldn't exist without you.
When your love and appreciation,
Was only way to live.
When without your encouragement, I couldn't imagine myself.
When you were my strength and purpose of life.

My heart feels grateful to you,
But, I am no more a little girl  

I know,
You feel pain seeing me going away from you.

I no more ask you what should I do
I no more need your lap to cry
I no more need your protection and support.

But Mother,
My heart feels grateful to you,
And will be always.

I carry nothing from our bonding except gratefulness.
Whatever happens out of this gratefulness.
I will let it happen.

Thanks Mother for a beautiful life.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


सारा दिन निकल गया
जाने किन-किन झमेलों में
रात हुई तो याद आया,
तुझे तो याद किया ही नहीं !

मिल गया था आज भी ,
बहाना एक नया,
तुझसे दूर रहने का
गुज़ार दिया एक और दिन,
तुझसे नज़रे मिलाये बिना ही !

अब , ना जाने कब अपना मिलन होगा,
जाने कब इन झमेलों और बहानों का,
सिलसिला ख़त्म होगा !

जानती हूँ,
तुम तो तैयार रहते हो हमेशा !
जाने कब मेरी तैयारी पूरी होगी ?